About Us

About Us
The Winter Sun Trading Company was established in 1976 in Arizona by Phyllis Hogan.
Phyllis owns and operates this unique family business. The shop specializes in Native American art and Southwest botanicals. The art gallery offers a wide range of genuine hand crafted jewelry, baskets, paintings, and a wide variety of Traditional style Hopi Katsina carvings.
The Winter Sun apothecary started with 25 plants. Most of those were ceremonial or ritual herbs. Today we offer one of the largest selections of organic and wild crafted herbs in the Southwest. Our plants are harvested at the time of their optimal strength and hand processed by knowledgeable Winter Sun staff-- no animal testing is done. Our liquid extracts-- referred to as tinctures-- are easier to use, convenient, and more potent than tea. Our goal is to provide the finest service available to our wonderful patrons and we are glad to help you in any way.

The Winter Sun Staff

Phyllis Hogan
Phyllis Hogan has been a practicing Southwest herbalist for 25 years. She is the proprietor of the Winter Sun Trading Company, located in Flagstaff, Arizona, USA established in 1976. Winter Sun specializes in traditional organic southwest herbs and tinctures and American Indian Art, focusing on the Hopi and Navajo of northern Arizona.
In 1983 she co-founded the Arizona Ethnobotanical Research Association (AERA), a 501(c)(3) private nonprofit educational and scientific organization. The AERA was organized to investigate, document, and preserve traditional plant use in Arizona and the greater southwest. The AERA was recently awarded recognition by the American Herbalist guild at their 14th annual symposium for outstanding contributions in the field of American ethnobotany.
Hogan has lectured on southwest herbal medicines and their traditional uses throughout the United States and in Finland. In April of 2000 she was keynote speaker for the first ethnobotanical festival at the Lady Bird Johnson Wild Flower Center in Austin, Texas. She has taught ethnobotany in bilingual education programs and health education for the Pima, Hualapai, Havasupai, Hopi, and Navajo tribes.




